Thursday, January 1, 2009

"Tripping Through Time" First Novel released.

Tomorrow January 2nd, 2009, is the day my first book is released in digital format.
On March 27th, it will be in print. It's a time travel romance novel, published by The Wild Rose Press

A young girl, with emotional scars, finds a Celtic ring in the waters of Lake Champlain. this ring transports her back one hundred years in time to the year 1969. Keealyn McCalley finds herself, two wonderful children to love, a new home and through all of her trials, the love of a great man. Keealyn leans that love is truly timeless.

This book is proof that I was here. It gives me the first of a lot of firsts. First book, first published author in my family, first notable accomplishment. Well you get it right? I am proud of myself. I have a talent, I wish I could have figured it out years ago, but let that be. I am here now.
I used whatever came to my head. This story was inside of me trying to get out. And I let it out. In doing so I became an author. Not just someone who writes, but I am a published author. I am so proud of that, it is my greatest accomplishment. And it will always be mine, no one can take it away. I did it!

There is something about this that will stay with me for the rest of my life. Someday, someone will pick up my book, years from now, and say I was.
That I was a person who tried to live a good life, who tried and finally found her one talent, and decided to try to use it. And that this person, had an imagination, and people liked to read her stories.

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